Thursday, April 16, 2009

Grandmas are the Greatest!

Adalyn Kay got to meet her Great-Grandma Lila for the very first time. They both fell in love with each other as soon as their eyes met. Adalyn was so smiley and made the cutest little sounds as she talked with her Grandma. Neither one of them wanted to leave each other, what a priceless moment they shared. Thanks for letting us visit, we love you Grandma!

FREE Stitching Pattern!

Enjoy a FREE stitching pattern for the new Young Women Value, "Virtue"...

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Adalyn is learning at a very early age that BOYS are really good at making you LAUGH and making you CRY!

"Decoration" Letters...

The joys of keeping your children busy while trying to be productive. (now I know why my mom had me label so many food storage cans) I haven't made fresh wheat bread since before Adalyn was born -- pretty sad I know, but hit a sale before she was born and stocked the freezer. I decided it was time to get back in the habit -- so gave it a try while Mace was at preschool. Keston loved being the big helper and Sissy was so good to watch us and fall to sleep in her swing. Well, needless to say I didn't finish my three batches in time and Mace was pretty upset that he missed out on grinding the wheat -- so had to come up with a quick job....writing labels on the bags for the bread...that was perfect! Mace was so excited to use permanent markers and wrote each letter as I said them as I finished my last batch. Then he copied the letters to the next bags, this task got pretty monotonous quickly -- since after the second bag---he informed me he was only going to write one more. "This one I am going to use my decoration letters mom." Sure bud---what ever letters you want --- I just thought they were too cute, I love this big helper :)


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mace Loves Me!

Yesterday the day began with both boys fighting over their sister -- who gets to hold her, choose her clothes, choose her bows, bath her, and make her smile are all daily competitions at our home. The boys just can not get enough of their sweet baby sissy! We had to take a picture of Ady in her first flower headband that Mace chose for her to wear.
(Notice her shirt says, "Daddy Loves Me")

Keston was so proud of me when he saw her flower ... "Good job mom! You 'grewd' a flower on her head!" That was enough to get me and Mace laughing this morning!

The day went on, and of course, Ady has to poop or spit up through at least one outfit a day -- so after changing her -- and bow too (by Keston this time) -- the boys were ready for food. Adalyn patiently waited in her bouncy chair and went to sleep while I made dinner. She looked so cute so I, of course, had to snap a picture. That is when Mace noticed her bib -- it said "Daddy loves me" just like her previous shirt. Well, Mace just lost it in full on tears! "Why doesn't anything say Mace loves me --- cause I love her the most!" Usually we are not that emotional -- but hunger and an interrupted nap will do it for Mace --- and it was a justifiable argument -- why should daddy be so special :)

Mace proceeded to cry and came to me with a permanent marker, yes he knows where I keep my art supplies. "Move her bib mom, move her bib." Well, after calming him down and finding a white onesie that permanent markers show up great on -- he created his Sissy the most beautiful onesie that I am sure I will have to pull out in years to come to remind the both of them that they do indeed love each other! And now Ady knows that ...

"Mace loves Me!"

Smiles for my Grandmas!

I love you Grandma Susie, Grandma Moen, Grandma Bernice, and Grandma Lila. Here are some of my smiles just for you -- hope you have a wonderful day and I can't wait to see you again. Love Adalyn!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Blessing Day...

Adalyn Kay was blessed by her daddy on March 1, 2009.
John gave such a beautiful blessing and had me in tears. What a special day for Ady, as we enjoyed it will all of our family. She wore my pink blessing dress that I was blessed in and a beautiful headband from her Aunt Sid in California. She looked like a little princess and the boys couldn't get over her dress that was 'way tooo big' :). I only captured one half smile on this day --- Ady just wasn't herself as our company started leaving. I ended up being up with her the entire night on Sunday and went to the Dr. early Monday morning to find she had an ear infection and we were almost admitted for RSV. Boy did I feel like a terrible mother, I just thought she got loved and held too much and was starting a cold! We got an antibiotic for the infection and scheduled daily visits to our Dr. to monitor her oxygen levels and temperature. She has been doing so much better and we are finally getting her real smiles back as of today! We love you Adalyn!

Still Loving Our Sissy!

It has now been 9 weeks since we brought our sweet little Adalyn home from the hospital -- and the boys still fight over her every morning! I thought the newness would wear off by now, but they both light up when they see their sissy come into the room. Now that Adalyn is smiling, they fight over that too. If she gives one of them a smile and not the other -- they get all upset. She sure doesn't have to worry about a lack of attention in this home. I have loved watching the boys sing her songs and try and make her smile -- what a lucky little girl to have two big brothers who love her so much!

I can't forget to write about our first Dr. visit for Adalyn at her 2 week appointment. I took Keston with me and he immediately assumed the role of 'Big Brother' -- protecting his baby sissy. As the Dr. examined Adalyn, Keston got right up on the table too. As the Dr. checked Adalyn's ears, eyes, and such -- Keston would proudly say, "That her tummy, that her hand, etc." He was proud that he knew all about his sister. When it came time for pricking her foot for blood samples -- Keston was right in the nurses working space too. When Adalyn started crying -- Keston looked right at the nurse and said, "Her not like you! She likes my mommy!" The nurse smiled and proceeded to get Adalyn a bandaid and give her back to me --- Keston was so proud that the nurse got the right bandaid --"Yeah, her likes PINK! Good Job!" I think the nurse felt much better knowing she did something right for Keston:)

TuTu Cute!

My Friend, Marcae, made Adalyn this darling little TuTu --
which the boys think she should wear daily! They think it is her princess dress, so I had to do a
little photo shoot with her in her TuTu! I know she will be more fond of it when she can dress up on her own -- but for now I catch Mace enjoying it for her! He calls it his Pirate Hat -- some pirate huh!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Our Baby Sissy is Here!

We are so excited to welcome Adalyn Kay Moen to our family! She is so PRECIOUS and SWEET. Adalyn joined our family on December 31st at 12:02 a.m. --- 7 lbs and 20.5 inches long --- what a LITTLE DOLL!
Just a few pictures of the many LOVES she is receiving at our home. Grandma Susie says we should have brought home two of Adalyn, since she is kind of hard for Mace and Keston to share! Everytime Keston passes by Adalyn, he has to kiss her and say, "she's so CUTE!" What a lot of LOVE she has brought to our home already...